I'm currently working on a collage. This is a new venture, I've never attempted one before and I have no idea if the end result will be pleasing or not, but I am having a lot of creative fun creating mad patterns, cutting out and sticking, feels very childlike and its very absorbing!
The Mellis Festival was a resounding sucess, about 1500 people attended with a lot of interest in the Courtyard Gallery and also the exhibition held in Multi York. Some sales were made which was excellent for the Mellis Arts group. The Waveney Springs Art Collectives paintings can be seen, including mine, in shop windows in Diss throughout all of August, culminating in an exhibition in The Corn Hall early September followed by Open Studios 15-16th and 23-24th September. For further details please visit www.waveneysprings.co.uk.
I'm currently working on a collage. This is a new venture, I've never attempted one before and I have no idea if the end result will be pleasing or not, but I am having a lot of creative fun creating mad patterns, cutting out and sticking, feels very childlike and its very absorbing!
AuthorSusan C. Adcock Archives
September 2014