I've had a week's break from painting but have just started a new pencil drawing, so work is back in progress. The sun has been shining and my garden has been beckoning, especially now the clocks have gone forward and the evenings are longer, so the challenge for me this summer is to keep my two greatest passions (apart from Roy!) working side-by-side; painting and gardening of course! I always know when its time to get back to being creative after a break because my fingers are itching to paint and draw and my mind is awash with fresh ideas. I try to keep a log of all my ideas, but sometimes they flash through my mind so quickly or at times when I can't write them down, in the middle of the night or during my work hours that sometimes ideas get missed, but I always think that if its a good idea it will come back to me. Roy and I are hoping to check on progress with the Portuguese house we bought in December very soon. I will make sure I pack some drawing and painting material as I am sure to find inspiration over there. Apparently its 25 degrees at the moment and they like us have had a very dry year so far.
AuthorSusan C. Adcock Archives
September 2014